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Mentors List "Search These Skills"

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Mentor Community Skill(s) Availability Completed
Port Hadlock Education and Training, Maritime Trades and Usage, Military and Police Service Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Law and Public Service, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Hadlock Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Transportation and Energy Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Ludlow Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Photo of Annalee Port Townsend Law and Public Service, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Media and Publishing Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Media and Publishing, Outdoors Experience, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Law and Public Service, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing, Tutoring
Port Townsend Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Manufacturing, Outdoors Experience, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing, Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Hadlock Media and Publishing, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Media and Publishing, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Transportation and Energy Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Chimacum Business Creation and Administration, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing, Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Mechanical and Automotive, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Ludlow Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Education and Training, Media and Publishing, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Media and Publishing Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Discovery Bay Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Social Services and Non Profit, Transportation and Energy Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Outdoors Experience, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Finance and Accounting, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Social Services and Non Profit
Marrowstone Island None of the Above Tutoring
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, International Travel, Touring, Media and Publishing, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships
Port Townsend Media and Publishing, Military and Police Service, Native American Traditions and Practices, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships
Port Townsend
Daphne Wysham Port Townsend Media and Publishing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Social Services and Non Profit, Transportation and Energy Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Dave at keyboard Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Media and Publishing, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Tutoring
Marrowstone Island Education and Training, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing, Tutoring
David Rinn Profile Photo Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Finance and Accounting, Law and Public Service, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
At the SSL console at the Art Institute of Seattle Port Townsend Finance and Accounting, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, International Travel, Touring, Maritime Trades and Usage, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Law and Public Service, Outdoors Experience, Transportation and Energy Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Timber and Land Usage Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Photo (head-shot) of David Ehnebuske Port Townsend Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Media and Publishing, Outdoors Experience, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Law and Public Service Advisership (longer term commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing
Douwe Rienstra Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Transportation and Energy Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing, Tutoring
Port Townsend Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Ludlow Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Media and Publishing Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Eva's face - smiling in the woods. Port Townsend Faith and Spirituality, International Travel, Touring Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development Currently Unavailable
Gage's smiling face Port Townsend Education and Training, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Head and shoulders photo of Gary Larson Port Townsend Education and Training, Law and Public Service, Media and Publishing, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing
George in MN Port Townsend None of the Above Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Law and Public Service Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Outdoors Experience Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Business Creation and Administration, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing
Image of Howard Port Hadlock Business Creation and Administration, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Faith and Spirituality, Manufacturing, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Media and Publishing, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Transportation and Energy Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, Media and Publishing, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Information Technology, Web and Software Development Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
my face Port Townsend Tutoring
Jennifer Taylor image Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Tutoring
Port Hadlock Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Media and Publishing, Outdoors Experience Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships
Port Townsend Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Finance and Accounting, International Travel, Touring, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Business Creation and Administration, Manufacturing, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Picture of self standing on the beach with Port Townsend in the background. Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Tutoring
Port Ludlow Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Finance and Accounting Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Law and Public Service, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Currently Unavailable
Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Maritime Trades and Usage, Outdoors Experience Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Maritime Trades and Usage, Media and Publishing Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Education and Training, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing
Port Hadlock Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, International Travel, Touring Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
by the rhodies Port Townsend Media and Publishing, Outdoors Experience, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Native American Traditions and Practices, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Tutoring
Port Ludlow Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Kaye Gagnon Headshot Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Me on the water Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Chimacum Finance and Accounting, Mechanical and Automotive, Military and Police Service Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships, Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, Information Technology, Web and Software Development Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Maritime Trades and Usage Internships, Job Shadowing
Kasbell Port Townsend Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Tutoring
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Law and Public Service, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Social Services and Non Profit Internships, Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing
Port Townsend None of the Above Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Media and Publishing Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Quilcene Law and Public Service, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, None of the Above Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Law and Public Service, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts, None of the Above Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Media and Publishing, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
A picture of myself at the beach. Port Townsend Education and Training Tutoring
Not sure what this means?? Port Townsend Education and Training Tutoring
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
my smiling face with snowy background Port Townsend Outdoors Experience, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Face of Mark Westlund Port Townsend Education and Training, Information Technology, Web and Software Development Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts
Port Townsend Faith and Spirituality, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Faith and Spirituality, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing, Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Finance and Accounting, Media and Publishing, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping
Port Townsend Law and Public Service
Port Townsend Education and Training, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Finance and Accounting, Social Services and Non Profit Currently Unavailable
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Tutoring
Port Townsend Finance and Accounting Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Native American Traditions and Practices Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Media and Publishing Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing
Marrowstone Island Agriculture and Food Services, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Faith and Spirituality, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Transportation and Energy Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services Currently Unavailable
Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Manufacturing, Outdoors Experience Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Photo taken while working at Grameen Foundation Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Finance and Accounting, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Media and Publishing Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Media and Publishing Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Tutoring
Port Townsend
Port Townsend Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Fisheries and Aquaculture, Maritime Trades and Usage, Military and Police Service, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships, Tutoring
Marrowstone Island Fisheries and Aquaculture, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Job Shadowing
?? Marrowstone Island Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Social Services and Non Profit Tutoring, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Chimacum Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Maritime Trades and Usage, Military and Police Service, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Ludlow Education and Training, Maritime Trades and Usage, Media and Publishing, Military and Police Service Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Brinnon Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Maritime Trades and Usage Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Media and Publishing, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Document Review (business or research plans)
Photo taken when mask making fot PT community. Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Finance and Accounting, International Travel, Touring, Law and Public Service, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
headshot of a white woman wearing glasses and looking at the camera with shoulder length brown hair. Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, International Travel, Touring, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Timber and Land Usage Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Mechanical and Automotive Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
A favorite place Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Transportation and Energy Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Job Shadowing, Document Review (business or research plans), Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Manufacturing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Outdoors Experience, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Roland Nikles Port Townsend Construction, Plumbing, Electrical, and Architecture, Education and Training, Law and Public Service, Maritime Trades and Usage, Outdoors Experience Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Chimacum Agriculture and Food Services, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Media and Publishing, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Job Shadowing
Port Townsend Fisheries and Aquaculture, International Travel, Touring, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Working on a ship Port Townsend Maritime Trades and Usage, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, Trade, Shipping, and Logistics, Transportation and Energy Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
I cropped this photo because I am holding my niece in my lap! She is much cuter than I, but this is recent from fall 2019. Port Townsend Education and Training Tutoring, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Tutoring
Port Townsend Education and Training, Maritime Trades and Usage, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Faith and Spirituality Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Chimacum Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships, Tutoring, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Finance and Accounting, International Travel, Touring, Maritime Trades and Usage, Media and Publishing Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Hadlock Education and Training, Social Services and Non Profit Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Business Creation and Administration, Faith and Spirituality, Outdoors Experience, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Housekeeping Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Document Review (business or research plans)
Face of Suzanne Ward Port Townsend Education and Training, Faith and Spirituality, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Agriculture and Food Services, Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts, Media and Publishing, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Hadlock Education and Training, Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage, Outdoors Experience, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Tutoring
Port Townsend Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Apprenticeships, Job Shadowing
Brinnon Agriculture and Food Services
Chimacum Education and Training, Medical, Health Care, Veterinary, Healing Arts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring, Prefer Phone or Email Contact Only
Central County
Discovery Bay Transportation and Energy
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, International Travel, Touring, Social Services and Non Profit, Visual and Performance Arts and Crafts Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships
Port Townsend Education and Training, Information Technology, Web and Software Development, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Apprenticeships
Port Ludlow Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Finance and Accounting Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Port Townsend Business Creation and Administration, Education and Training, Finance and Accounting, Social Services and Non Profit Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Internships, Document Review (business or research plans)
Port Townsend Education and Training, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring
Marrowstone Island Business Creation and Administration, Mechanical and Automotive Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
don't know what you mean Port Ludlow Education and Training Advisership (longer term commitment), Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment), Tutoring