First Name
Last Name
Port Townsend
I am interested in working with schools in my area
What kind of availability do you or your organization have to offer?
Advisership (longer term commitment)
Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Document Review (business or research plans)
Briefly describe the program, volunteer work, or partnerships you or your organization may offer.
I am mostly a one-man operation at this point.
If a proposal that has been submitted by 2020 Energy Action is actually funded, I will be tasked with training 2 people to assemble, install and operate innovative integrated cold-storage greenhouse heating systems, based on heatpumps and waste heat recovery.
If a proposal that has been submitted by 2020 Energy Action is actually funded, I will be tasked with training 2 people to assemble, install and operate innovative integrated cold-storage greenhouse heating systems, based on heatpumps and waste heat recovery.
You have indicated an expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
Had a software company in the 1980's that innovated in scientific visualization software
Formerly was CTO of a world-class technology marketing thinktank commercializing technology developed in federal labs
Currently designing innovative refrigeration equipment and innovative insulation systems.
Formerly was CTO of a world-class technology marketing thinktank commercializing technology developed in federal labs
Currently designing innovative refrigeration equipment and innovative insulation systems.
You have indicated an expertise in Architecture and Construction
14 years custom yacht design and construction,
10 years zero-energy housing design,
10 years job shop developing preproduction prototypes
3+ years developing waste heat recovery heatpump and insulation technologies based on moving air.
10 years zero-energy housing design,
10 years job shop developing preproduction prototypes
3+ years developing waste heat recovery heatpump and insulation technologies based on moving air.
You have indicated an expertise in Business Creation and Administration
I used to build accounting systems for small businesses in Visicalc, then Lotus 123 and later in Quattro Pro before there was COTS stuff like Peachtree, Quicken or Quickbooks.
I was interim ED of Economic Development Council and participated in SCORE.
I was interim ED of Economic Development Council and participated in SCORE.
You have indicated an expertise in Manufacturing
Started doing piecework production and then worked in a custom manufacturing job-shop machine shop while in highschool, then was trained in production on Boeing 727 production line. Then I ran my own job shop.
You have indicated an expertise in Natural Resources, Ecology, Water and Land Usage
Wrote effective appeals of USFS Timber Sales
Participated in Growth Management from the beginning
Participated in Chelan Agreement
Worked on development of City & County GIS
Developed City's water policy and wrote watershed agreement with USFS in the 1990's
Wrote detailed NEPA Analysis of shortcomings and illegalities in NAVY's Electronic warfare EIS
Participated in Growth Management from the beginning
Participated in Chelan Agreement
Worked on development of City & County GIS
Developed City's water policy and wrote watershed agreement with USFS in the 1990's
Wrote detailed NEPA Analysis of shortcomings and illegalities in NAVY's Electronic warfare EIS
In the form above you selected an unspecified area of expertise.
14 years custom yacht design and construction,
10 years zero-energy housing design,
10 years job shop developing preproduction prototypes
3+ years developing waste heat recovery heatpump and insulation technologies based on moving air
I used to build accounting systems for small businesses in Visicalc, then Lotus 123 and later in Quattro Pro before there was COTS stuff like Peachtree, Quicken or Quickbooks.
I was interim ED of Economic Development Council and participated in SCORE
Started doing piecework production and then worked in a custom manufacturing job-shop machine shop while in highschool, then was trained in production on Boeing 727 production line. Then I ran my own job shop.
Wrote effective appeals of USFS Timber Sales
Participated in Growth Management from the beginning
Participated in Chelan Agreement
Worked on development of City & County GIS
Developed City's water policy and wrote watershed agreement with USFS in the 1990's
Wrote detailed NEPA Analysis of shortcomings and illegalities in NAVY's Electronic warfare EIS
Had a software company in the 1980's that innovated in scientific visualization software
Formerly was CTO of a world-class technology marketing thinktank commercializing technology developed in federal labs
Currently designing innovative refrigeration equipment and innovative insulation systems.
10 years zero-energy housing design,
10 years job shop developing preproduction prototypes
3+ years developing waste heat recovery heatpump and insulation technologies based on moving air
I used to build accounting systems for small businesses in Visicalc, then Lotus 123 and later in Quattro Pro before there was COTS stuff like Peachtree, Quicken or Quickbooks.
I was interim ED of Economic Development Council and participated in SCORE
Started doing piecework production and then worked in a custom manufacturing job-shop machine shop while in highschool, then was trained in production on Boeing 727 production line. Then I ran my own job shop.
Wrote effective appeals of USFS Timber Sales
Participated in Growth Management from the beginning
Participated in Chelan Agreement
Worked on development of City & County GIS
Developed City's water policy and wrote watershed agreement with USFS in the 1990's
Wrote detailed NEPA Analysis of shortcomings and illegalities in NAVY's Electronic warfare EIS
Had a software company in the 1980's that innovated in scientific visualization software
Formerly was CTO of a world-class technology marketing thinktank commercializing technology developed in federal labs
Currently designing innovative refrigeration equipment and innovative insulation systems.