First Name
Last Name
several in Quilcene & Jefferson Co.
I am interested in working with schools in my area
What grade level would you or your organization work best with?
High School
Special School Activities
High School Senior Projects
What kind of availability do you or your organization have to offer?
Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Briefly describe the program, volunteer work, or partnerships you or your organization may offer.
My highest interest is in community service, civic engagement and active citizenship. Can help with projects and activities that strengthen the relationship between people and their local government(s).
You have indicated an expertise in Law and Public Service
Career in local government management, human services program evaluation, public policy formulation. Post-retirement experience in community organization and civic activism.
In the form above you selected an unspecified area of expertise.
Career in local government management, human services program evaluation, public policy formulation. Post-retirement experience in community organization and civic activism.
Public service in federal Dept of Health and Human Services (health care access and family support services), and in city management in western WA. Non-profit agency formation and Board Membership.
Public service in federal Dept of Health and Human Services (health care access and family support services), and in city management in western WA. Non-profit agency formation and Board Membership.