First Name
Last Name
Port Townsend
1. The ReCyclery, 2. Jefferson Healthcare, 3. East Jeff. Bee Club
I am interested in working with schools in my area
What grade level would you or your organization work best with?
Middle School
High School
What kind of availability do you or your organization have to offer?
Mentorship (coffee or lunch, shorter time commitment)
Briefly describe the program, volunteer work, or partnerships you or your organization may offer.
Anything at Jefferson Healthcare needs to go through the management staff.
At the ReCyclery we offer apprenticeships, volunteer opportunities, and a middle school bike education.
As a local beekeeper, I am willing to work with any student who wishes to do a senior project in beekeeping.
At the ReCyclery we offer apprenticeships, volunteer opportunities, and a middle school bike education.
As a local beekeeper, I am willing to work with any student who wishes to do a senior project in beekeeping.
You have indicated an expertise in Health Care, Medical, and Healing Arts
I am a retired pediatrician and public health professional.