Jefferson County Library
620 Cedar Avenue
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
United States
Our core services:
- Provide diverse, relevant, up-to-date collections
- Provide information and educational resources to advance local education
- Provide early learning opportunities
- Serve as a technology hub providing access, resources and classes to improve digital and information literacy
- Provide cultural enrichment programs and instructional classes for all ages
- Provide community meeting and gathering spaces
- Provide services that reach entire service area
Organization Editors
Russ Stamp | |
Brwyn Griffin | |
Upcoming Events
Dates and Times | Date | ||
Jefferson County Library Teen Advisory Board | Wed, 04/27/1960 - 00:00 | Ongoing Event | Are you between the ages of 11 and 18? Would you like to make a difference in programs available for teens at the library? Join the JCL Teen Advisory Board and help plan the library programs for teens for this winter, spring, and summer. This is a great opportunity to help facilitate a teen programs at Jefferson County Library. First meeting will be held at the library on Thursday, December 6 from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. For more information call our Teen Librarian, Russ Stamp, at (360) 385-6544. |
Toddler Storytime | Wed, 04/27/1960 - 00:00 | Ongoing Event | Mondays @ 10:15 am - Toddler Storytime Toddler storytime is for children ages 12 months to 30 months and features movement, music, puppets and fingerplays as well as flannel stories and the reading of short books written with toddlers in mind.